Pro registrované uživatele EDIUSu je ke stažení update na verzi 6.51.
Seznam změn:
-FLV Writer unexpectedly stops if timeline is exported to Grass Valley HQ or HQX in the QuickTime exporter.
-P2 clip listed in Source Browser shows incorrect date in clip properties.
-A clip imported from a DVD or CD via the Source Browser has the incorrect video or audio.
-If a stereoscopic HQ/HQX AVI file has an alpha channel, it shows an incorrect thumbnail in the Bin.
-If AVCHD (Dual Card 3D) Writer is registered into the Batch export list, it will not run.
-EDIUS freezes if the timeline is played in proxy mode.
-EDIUS cannot export timeline to an uncompressed RGB AVI file properly. -Exported AVI file cannot be loaded into EDIUS.
-If a stereoscopic clip is registered as subclip in the Bin, it cannot be changed to a master clip.
-Stereoscopic R-side clip is not checked out for field editing (only L-side clip is checked out).
-Adding a stereoscopic subclip (or multiple stereoscopic subclips) into the Bin fails.
-Incorrect parameters unexpectedly set in the Color Picker of the 3-way Color Correction tool in 10-bit projects.
-An H.264 MOV file recorded by a Canon EOS 5D Mk II or EOS 7D cannot be played properly on the EDIUS timeline.
-If the Stabilizer is applied to a clip and rendered with the clip rendering menu, the rendering unexpectedly cancels when another clip rendering is set for another clip.
-If the loudness meter screen appears, timeline loop playback does not work.
-If a QuickTime MP4 file is loaded into a 10-bit project, video does not play (only audio plays).
-The Stabilizer is still working as a background job even if the clip is removed from the timeline.
-Clips in the Bin and used in timeline are unexpectedly trimmed if project consolidate is launched with the "Back up (trimming)" option.
-Stereoscopic R-side clips are not copied in project consolidate.
-"Restore and transfer clip" does not appear even if a project which contains off-line clips is loaded.
-Export of QuickTime HQ fails if project format is 1280x720p.
-If only the hi-res clip has been transferred from an XDCAM disc via FTP, the proxy clip cannot be transferred.
-Project consolidate with "Trimming" option fails if a project contains a non-transferred clip in the timeline.
-Stabilizer analysis does not start as a background job if the target clip is being transferred.
-Stabilizer analysis does not finish if the Stabilizer is applied to a clip used in time shift editing.
-If a transferred P2 proxy clip is deleted from the Bin, the hi-res clip on the P2 card is unexpectedly deleted.
-EDIUS 5 project file cannot be loaded if the project contains a sequence clip.
-Title clip goes off-line when an EDIUS 5.51 project file containing a title clip created by Quick Titler is loaded.
-When an EDIUS 6.0x project is loaded into EDIUS Pro 6.5, overscan is unexpectedly applied to parts of the timeline where a dissolve transition effect occurs.